Kim Campbell
After holding elected office at all three levels of Canadian government, Kim Campbell served as Canada’s nineteenth and first female Prime Minister in 1993.
Kim Campbell is a founding member of the Club of Madrid, now the largest international forum of former heads of government and state who work to promote democratic values. She is also a member and Chair Emerita of the Council of Women World Leaders and a member of the International Women’s Forum, where she served as its global president.
Ms. Campbell’s most notable achievement in recent years has been the design and launch of a ground – breaking leadership program for undergraduates at the University of Alberta: The Peter Lougheed Leadership College. She served as its Founding Principal from the 2014-2018.
In 2021, Ms. Campbell joined the board of the Glen Gould Foundation and the advisory board of The Vancouver Anti-Corruption Institute. VACI is a project of The International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy (ICCLR), which was created during Ms. Campbell’s tenure as Minister of Justice.